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Our members and guests are some of the best folks

living and visiting in Orlando, Florida!

Our General Meeting is the third Monday of every month.

We are 1,000 Post members, and over 450 Auxiliary members strong! 

Our non-smoking Canteen is a constant hub of activity, entertainment, and information flow. Come visit with the troops from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.


Being located in Orlando and just 10 minutes from Orlando International Airport, we have many wonderful visitors from all over the United States and the World.


We have Non-Smoking Bingo every Wednesday and Friday night - that is Open to the Public, starting at 6:00PM with plenty of surfaced parking available.


Our Banquet Hall is available for rent for Weddings, Parties, Meetings, etc., again, with plenty of surfaced parking available. 


We donate substantially to various charitable organizations and research groups. We also support local schools and many youth group activities.


Our Honor Guard is very active at Veteran funerals, area events and school programs. And always available for any event you might have.


Our Officers work very hard to ensure compliance to all laws and by-laws and to provide a pleasant experience whenever you are at the Post.

Take a break from the attractions or what ever brings you to the Orlando area, we would like very much for you to come visit with us, and join our Post if you can.


If you do decide to join us, any further information and/or documentation that you may have to fill in the blanks herewith, such as DD214, will be greatly appreciated.


Members of Conway Memorial Post 7985 helped form Post 4287 as a result of the expanding of Orlando eastward to include Azalea Park, Englewood, and Monterey areas. The Post was Chartered on August 16, 1955; as A.E.M. Post 4287, and met for three years sharing a Post Home with Post 7985 at Grant & Crystal Lake Road, Orlando, FL. Ted Burridge was the first Commander of the Post.


In the 1958-59 District Directory; A.E.M. Post 4287 was listed with the address of Route 15 - A South, Azalea Park, Orlando, FL In 1959, A.E.M. Post 4287 moved to its new Post Home on South Goldenrod Road. Today that site is the home of the F.O.E. (Fraternal Order of Eagles), or the Eagles Club.


In 1969, Conway Memorial Post 7985 decided that it could not keep going. Rather than give up their Post Home to the Department of Florida, they merged with A.E.M. Post 4287. They sold their Post Home and gave the money and Charter to A.E.M. Post 4287. Usually when two Posts merge, you use both names. Instead they asked that Post 4287 use their starting date of July 27, 1946 and pick up their membership. The Commander of Post 7985 at that time was John A. Deeney and A.E.M. Post 4287 Commander was Joe Tyminski.


In 1969, Post 4287 purchased approximately one acre from the Golden Acres, this property at 3500 South Goldenrod Road, is the current location of the Post. Construction of the Post Home began in 1970 and was completed in 1973. A vast majority of the construction work was conducted by members of the Post.


There are many warm and wonderful memories of the dances, parties, and dinners held at this location. As the years went by, the members aged and the amount of volunteers diminished to the point where the events became few and far between. The current staff of officers and the members are working hard to re-establish this atmosphere and we would enjoy you being a part of it all.








3500 S. Goldenrod Road

Orlando, FL 32822

P: 407-273-6581
F: 407-380-1873


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